Caledon County showcases a unique Scottish fusion sound that blends traditional Scottish music with country, blues, and rock influences. The band completed their first full length recording “My Home” in July 2015, which features original and traditional Scottish music. The release of this record kicked of their tour of Northern Scotland and the Orkney Islands, which was met with resounding success. Back at home in Canada, the band is continually featured at the Beach Celtic festival and other local festivals and pubs in Southwestern Ontario.
One Sheet:
Click here to download the Caledon County One Sheet
Halkirk Highland Game, Scotland Kensington Market Metropolitan United Church Bannockburn Concert, El Mocambo House Concert Beach Celtic Festival Free Times Café HVRA Fall Festival Trinity-St. Paul’s United Church Wychwood Barns Crawford Street Party Wychwood Barns Hallowe’en Night Walkabout Trinity-St. Paul’s United Church HVRA Fall Festival Beach Celtic Festival Kensington Market Kensington Market HVRA Fall Festival Trinity-St. Paul’s United Church Metropolitan United Church
Mist Covered Mountains / The Conundrum (J. Cameron-2nds R. Sinclair / P. MacLeod)
Riding Mountain / Hare of the Dug (B.Bourne, A.MacLeod)
The Water is Wide (Waly Waly) (Trad.)
Slave’s Lament (R. Burns)
Lady Bridget Oppenheim / Jig of Slurs (R. Sinclair / G. S. MacLennan)